Karfan er tóm.
MOTUL DOT 5.1 high wet boiling point (185°C / 365°F) is superior than the requirements of the standards DOT 3 (140°C mini / 284°F mini), DOT 4 (155°C mini / 311°F mini) and DOT 5.1 (180°C mini / 356°F mini), and therefore enables longer use of this product. Indeed, DOT 3, DOT 4 or DOT 5.1 brake fluids have the property of absorbing moisture from the air, which reduces their boiling points and therefore braking safety. The wet boiling point is measured after moistening the product with 3% water in order to be representative of the state of the fluid after 1 year of use. Perfectly neutral with seals used in braking systems. Anti-corrosion