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Karfan er tóm.

VNR.: mot-108862

Motul 8100 ECO-CLEAN 0W20, 5 L

Samtals m/vsk:
17.899 kr.

Motul 8100 ECO-CLEAN 0w20, er 100% syntetísk mótorolía sem er ætluð á nýrri gerðir véla. Hún uppfyllir ACEA C5, ACEA C6, API SP og ILSAC GF-6a Plus staðla.

Nánari upplýsingar hér.

High Performance 100% Synthetic "Fuel Economy" lubricant specially formulated for OEMs requiring engine oil with very low HTHS viscosity (High Temperature High Shear) ≥ 2.6 mPa.s. and "Mid SAPS" with reduced content of Sulfated Ash (≤ 0.8%), Phosphorus (0.07% ≤ x ≤ 0.09%) and Sulfur (≤ 0.3%).
Suitable for latest generation Gasoline and Diesel engines meeting Euro 4, 5 and 6 emission standards, when a lubricant of both viscosity grade 20 and "Fuel Economy" is required: ACEA C5, ACEA C6, API SP and/or ILSAC GF-6a Plus standards.
Suitable for Catalytic Converters, Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF) and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF).
Some engines are not designed to use this type of lubricant, before use, consult the maintenance manual for your vehicle.

Samtals m/vsk:
17.899 kr.

Motul 8100 ECO-CLEAN 0w20, er 100% syntetísk mótorolía sem er ætluð á nýrri gerðir véla. Hún uppfyllir ACEA C5, ACEA C6, API SP og ILSAC GF-6a Plus staðla.

High Performance 100% Synthetic "Fuel Economy" lubricant specially formulated for OEMs requiring engine oil with very low HTHS viscosity (High Temperature High Shear) ≥ 2.6 mPa.s. and "Mid SAPS" with reduced content of Sulfated Ash (≤ 0.8%), Phosphorus (0.07% ≤ x ≤ 0.09%) and Sulfur (≤ 0.3%).
Suitable for latest generation Gasoline and Diesel engines meeting Euro 4, 5 and 6 emission standards, when a lubricant of both viscosity grade 20 and "Fuel Economy" is required: ACEA C5, ACEA C6, API SP and/or ILSAC GF-6a Plus standards.
Suitable for Catalytic Converters, Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF) and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF).
Some engines are not designed to use this type of lubricant, before use, consult the maintenance manual for your vehicle.